Monday, April 11, 2011

Hello, peopless how you doing?

I am so sorry for not being here often. ;; I just got onto tumbler to be around friends more.

Here's my account.

But I still love this kind of blogging...! c':

Sunday, March 20, 2011

oh hai

So so soooo so sorry for not being on here. Life caught me by the fist and made me slave a way in a prison called SCHOOL.

I've been writing a lot, but had some technological errors, and I can't upload a new chapter to a story of mine. Ugh... So frustrating. ><

There was some good stuff that happened (such as the guest list for my city's comic con :D :D :D VIC MIGNOGNA), there was unsettling things that occur... bipolar dayyyyyy haha...

So, to just dish it out... I always felt the need to have a boyfriend recently, but I go from "men are overrated" to me loathing being single. During this one drama period of mine a few months ago, I justified my "I need a boyfriend" spiel with VENGEANCE. Vengeance stories are as cheesy as "justice" stories, no one wants to do it. XD I was being an idiot, and I replied to the guy at like... midnight, so yeah. Plus I was at a OneRepublic concert, so...

Perhaps I just wanted to be in a relationship to forget this one guy. If I was in a relationship, I would move on, be like every one of my friends who are in relationships and experience what others are going through. The person who I had feelings for claimed he was dating a guy, then in the summer he dated a girl, so I guess that what got me set up or something... But I couldn't bring myself to ask him what got him back to liking girls.

Other than that... I got no regrets.

Friday, January 28, 2011

every february you'll be my valentineeeee

February, without a doubt is the busiest month in my life. Perhaps with the excitement that it is the month of my birthday. I'm so glad it's on a long weekend so I can extend it a bit if I wanted a sleepover or out of town trip. ^.^

I'm off to an old friends reunion party tomorrow, so I'm excited. I'm planning this Doctor Who party with another one of my friends in the future, so yes. LOTS of parties recently. haha

Dentist appointment, big church event, new semester... I'm a busy girl. haha

I made one of my classes a spare, instead of taking a higher class so I won't have to upgrade as much in the future after graduation, but I'd be taking three core subjects. Murder. XP So I have three classes and an online psychology class. heh

I feel like I want to say more, but I can't seem to get it out... fehhhhh


Monday, January 24, 2011

solly... ;;

So... I've been away for a long time. Yeah. <3 Missed you.

Recap on our December month! I was ill with a fever, and it was the WORST fever of the history of being sick thus far. But with Christmas and Boxing Day, I was happy.

The past two months, I have been buirred in Doctor Who works (mostly Christoper Eccleston *'s @$$*), and I've been writing one shots, drabbles and poems. I looked back at my older works, and there's still other chaptered fics that need to be updated with the latest chapter. One of my fics haven't been updated since grade 9, so... yeah. I gave spoilers to a close friend of mine to make it up to her, but hopefully I'll get them done eventually. Other wise... heh. Life's life.

I had a vision for one of my fics, ever since I started on A saga of this character, going on a journey not just through a mysterious land of "Baten Kaitos" (a videogame. If you have Gamecube or Wii, PLAY IT. It's totally underrated and unheard... it deserves more love), but a journey for herself and how the journey changes her as a person. She finds love, familial love, and a love interest in a certain red head. *Lyude* ;) And so far... I feel behind, but with faith, I hope this character is loved by readers. I had high hopes for this idea that I had on to for so long... First launch was a Mary Sue of a character and every mistake in the book of a budding "writer". But I'm glad that I went through the years of work and understanding. if I don't share it with the world, I'd be crush and feel like it's something that I should have done, but never did.

With certain factors and me not getting right to cleaning my room, my mother has thrown out my ideas papers and notebook for my stories. I can probably recall most of them from memory, or possibly improve the idea now that I have a fresh plate... fics will probably be drawn out longer, butttt ugh. So frustrated. Other than that... yeah. Hopefully, everything will turn out for the best. It's just fanfiction...

 I hope you're all well...


Pieda the Mokona <3

“You will be pretty intelligent, pretty creative, pretty amazing. But you, will never be merely 'pretty'.”

Monday, November 15, 2010

jimmy olsennnnn

So I got back report cards today from school! They're awesome, except this one class... yeah, I won't go into that. haha... My journalism mark is at 96%! :D ^.^ so happy :} gonna dance till the dawn, ooh, yeah baby...! X3 :D

Perhaps... if things don't go well according to plan, journalism could be a plan B. ... I could be both Lois Lane AND Jimmy Olsen. My journalism teacher likes my photos, and most of my successful articles. haha... Ooh, but I'm not going into journalism for a man of steel... haha! Alas, my life is not Smallville, but if it was, I'd totally be freaking out (in a good enthusiastic way) that I have a superhuman power. :D Jimmy Olsen and Superman were buddies in the original comic series... In Smallville, Jim doesn't even KNOW Clark has powers, and they're not exactly close. ... and Green Arrow is with Chloe in season 9. ... You are with Black Canarey, Oliver Queen. Not lil' Miss OC. NOW BREAK UP WITH HER AND GO MAKE LOVE TO CANERY

*coff* thank you.

Nite nite for now...! <3

Sunday, November 14, 2010

christopher ecclestonnnn

I used to fret about a certain someone reading this blog, but for some reason I don't need to know... I didn't ask. In my mind's "soap opera", there was this dramatic moment when I ask him if he's reading my blog, or if he knew a "Vanessa" (look at the later blog post). If he does know what I'm talking about (Vanessa), he's read my blog, but I don't need to ask him. 

It doesn't matter if you read the blog or not... if our relationship still is there, or not. If you still want to be friends, fine. I'm fine on my own, and if you want to be part of my life, even better! You brought out the chatty side of me. To express my opinions, since I'm always so quiet and held down at home, even though there was some drama between us. I love you and respect you as your friend and brother. I wish our friendship was closer, but we all aren't Doctor Who and have a TARDIS to go back in time. I won't ask if you're reading this blog. I don't need to know. It's just fine as is if I don't ask.


Other than that, I'm trying to catch up with Doctor Who... In my opinion, Christopher Eccleston is the best doctor. He's just so... handsome. ;) Why did he decide to leave the show... ;; but I suppose, one door closes, another opens. :) I suppose he went on to do other things, rather be tied down to one thing, and be stuck with it for the rest of his life as a typecast, or some other reasons... There were other rumors, but hey... at least he's good looking. ;) Plus, David Tennet hit big after Chris, so at least that's a plus. :) <3 Chris Eccleston <3

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Glee Club

My school's doing a Glee club like they do in the show. It's gunna be awesome. :)

I never watched the show, but I did see clips on YouTube. Hopefully, I'll catch up soon... ;; I need Smallville, seasons 3 and 9, definitely getting season 10 when it comes out on DVD. Heroes is a work of art... until the later seasons. I'm only going to get season one. haha

The song I'm going to sing for my audition is "Un-thinkable (I'm Ready)" by Alicia Keys.

I've been catching up on manga recently... Fruits Basket and Emma, to be specific. I have ADHD like reactions to books, but I'm not dumb... I'm a visual learner, and I suppose it's like getting someone to read Japanese when they don't know the language. haha

Recently, there is this friend in my life who I... can't explain why I have these feelings around him. I get nervous when I run into him when I pass by him. I look away from the nervousness. It may sound corny, but... I kinda go crazy when he says my name. He's saying more jokes around me to make me laugh. We're making every excuse to talk to each other more. We put up so much of our bad sides when we really got to know each other, but I felt guilty for doing them. I don't know what he things, but I think he feels guilty too... I hope I didn't scare him away with my emotions. I always do that to the people in my life, due to certain factors that make me need "support" from others around me in my life. I'm doing a "redemption" thing for myself for the people around me. But if bridges were burnt and can't be rebuilt, it was meant to have ended. Hopefully, no matter what happens, everything will be fine and safe and reputations will be intact.